Look for your great grandparents here!

A list of the contributors to the new wing added in 1920 to the former Villa St. Vincent Hospital, Crookston, MN.  I found my great grandparents "Electrical Store," contributing $2!  Could Charles E. Lindberg be the father of Charles A. Lindbergh.  Charles A. Lindberg's father was brought her for treatment. Some of the names were hard to read because they were written in fountain pen.  If you have a correct spelling or more history, Please comment!

A Friend 1
A. Friend 0.5
Aesceltat Faces (sp?) 25
Balfour Bros. 1
Ball, Joseph 100
Becker, Nm. 25
Bemington, N. 2
Berget, O.K. 1
Bertlson, Dr. C.L. 5
Boe, Minnie I. 10
Boe, Minnie I. 50
Bray, N.A. 10
Bridgeman-Russel Co. 10
C.O.D. Clothing House 10
Chesterman, G. S. 20
Collins, S.L. 1
Conley, E.W. 1
Corbett, Rt. Rev. Timothy $350
Crawford & Son, J. 25
Crookston Drug Co. 25
Crookston Milling Co.  10
Crookston Times 10
Daniels, Dr. 5
DeMott, irving P. 5
Dredsesl, G.A.W. (sp?) 25
Dufault, Rev.M. 50
Dunlop, Dr. Alex 10
Duval and Son 10
Electrical Store 2
Ellingson, Ed. 1
Erickson, Ed. 10
F.W. Woolworth Co. 1
Farley, W. H. 10
Farley, W.H. 5
Ferhely, Rev. John 100
Finch-Winslow-Carlisle Co. 10
Flaten, Geo.J. 10
Gavin, J. Leo 10
Gillan, S.B. 1
Golden Rule Bazaar 10
Goodhart, T.W. 5
Gr. Drug Co.  (Cr.?) 100
Grulon, G.A. 1
Hagen, Dr. 5
Hagen, E. O. 10
Hanson, A.M. 10
Hanson, Wm.C. 0.5
Harding, E.H. 1
Haslerud, P. J. (sp?) 10
Heldstab Ice and Fuel Co. 10
Hendrickson, J.S. 2
Hodgsen, Dr. H.H. 200
Holte, Dr. 1
Howie, A.W.
Kahala, Dr. A. 5
Kiewel Products Co. $20
Kirsch, Dr. R.L. 500
Kirsch, J.V. 15
Klemesand, E. 1
LaBlanc, Jr. 25
Laughlin, John 1.5
Laughlin, T.H. 1
Lindbergh, C.E. 10
Lohn, Chas. M. 1
Loring & Youngquist 25
Lowe, Wm. R.  1
Lucian, Dr. A.E. 5
Lundberg (sp?) C.E. 10
Marrotte, W. C. 2
Marsh, H.L. 100
McKinnan, A.J. 25
Mercil & Sylvester  15
Miller, A.A. 50
Miller, H. 1
Morley, Dr. G.A. 5
Morris, Tom 5
Murphy, W.P. 1
N.P. Stone & Co. 10
Neils, T. F. 1
Nelson, Anton 1
Nelson, H.E. 1
New York Store 10
Nolau, Mr. & Mrs. F. 2.5
Norman, J.F. 500
Northern Hardware & Plumbing 10
Northwestern Clinic 5
Nveseu, E.E. 25
O'Brian and Sylvester 10
O'Brieu & Co. , J.E. 100
Olson, F.A. 1
Prudhomme, E.H. 1
Rahala, D. (Dr.?) 100
Rasmussen & Laurent 25
Rasmusson and Laurent 10
Rauenbeihler, M. (sp?) 100
Red River Valley power Co. 10
Remele, Dr. H.W. 5
Richard, Clara 1
Robinson Lumber Co 10
Roy, L 100
Sanberg-Roe Co. 5
Schmidt Bros. 5
Scully Groc. Co. 25
Selvig, C.G. 5
Slocum, Liraneis (sp?) Groc. Co. 50
Smith, Henry L. 5
Spence, Thos. 5
Spence, Thos. 15
Spiving, R.L. 15
St. Hilaire Lumber Co. 5
Steenerson, S. 1
Steenerson, S. 1
Stehn, Freda 2
Stenshoil, N.P. (sp?) 10
Stickney, Dr. 5
Stone Co., N.P. 25
Stroot, George 2
Swanson, Ida 1
Swift (sp?) Mrs. Sarah 1
Thompson, A.Z. 10
Thorson, N.A. 5
Torrance Motor Co 10
Vaule, C.J. 1
Veneaux, J.F. 1
Vesledal, Mr. S 1
Walsh, E.M. 5
Walters, J. 1
Watts, Wm. 2
Webin, Axel G. 0.5
Welte, H.J. 5
Welte, H.J. 25
Wheeler-Misner Loan Co 5
Wheeler-Misner Loan Co. 100
Wurm, Rev. Joseph 100
Wyland, W.H. 1

from the archives at Mt. St. Benedict, Crookston, Minnesota


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